Abbi Patrix & Linda Edsjö racontent
Pas de Deux/Concert d’Histoires
Collaboration artistique Erica Wagner
Editions Paradox
ISBN 978-2-915259-25-4
Pas de Deux / A Concert of Stories
The music tells the story.
The story is the music.
The notes give life to the words.
Was it the man or the woman who took the first step? The myth tells us that the Creator — by mistake! — provoked that first step, and after that everything was upside down…
Linda Edsjö and Abbi Patrix — with the artistic collaboration of Erica Wagner — dance with words and music, telling stories from faraway lands, traditional stories, new stories, stories of love, destiny and creation. Malice, humour and metamorphosis are only some of the ingredients of this collection where voices are joined with the sound of marimba, percussion — and kitchen tools, too!
“Les contes sont acidulés et truffés d’humour. Les influences sont multiples : Afrique, Scandinavie, Asie. L’on pense aussi un peu à Gautier et à son Omphale, à Yourcenar et à ses Nouvelles orientales. Un plaisir des sens, un délice en bouche. Les contes sont là pour nous montrer ce qu’il y a de plus élémentaires. Ils nous font oublier une ère consommatrice, dévoreuse et tapageuse, où l’on prend, l’on consomme et puis l’on jette. Merci à ces talents de si bien nous le rappeler. Un beau retour à l’essentiel.”
“The tales are sharp and full of humour. The influences are multiple: Africa, Scandinavia, Asia. We also think a little of Gautier and his Omphale, of Yourcenar and her Oriental Tales. A pleasure for the senses, a delight in the mouth. The tales are there to show us what is most elementary. They make us forget a consuming, devouring and noisy era, where we take, we consume and then we throw away. Thank you to these talents for reminding us so well. A nice return to what is most elemental.”
Sheila Louinet
Les Trois Coups